Political Parties
There are twenty-two (22) registered political parties with the Electoral Commission of Namibia. Click <here> to view the steps on how to register a political party.
To view full details of all the registered political parties, please click on the name of the party you want to view and scroll to the bottom.
P.O. Box 2327, Ondangwa
Mr Matheus Paulus (Authorized Representative)
Cell No: 0812331733
P.O. Box 25507, Windhoek
Email: admnamibia4@gmail.com

Dr. Job Shipululo Amupanda (Activist-in-Chief)
Cell No: 0852937664
Email: arnamibia@gmail.com
P.O. Box 4619, Windhoek
Mr Maitjituavi Stanley Kavetu (Authorized Representative)
Cell No: 0855425446
Address: 5654 Ostrich Street, Khomasdal Ext. 16
P.O. Box 51175, Bachbrecht, Windhoek
Email: arnamibia@gmail.com or kavetu@gmail.com
14 A Love Street, Parliament
P. O. Box 80207, Olympia, Windhoek
Tel No: 061 2882595/79
Mr Ambrosius Kumbwa (President)
Mr Marius Goraseb (Act Secretary
General and Authorized Representative)
Cell No: 0811406613/0813043803
Email: vgoraseb77@gmail.com
Omashaka Street
ERF 4774, Oshakati
P.O. Box 15327, Oluno
Bishop Festus Thomas
(President Authorized Representative)
Cell No: +264 812391461 or +264 858066090
Email: tvosinno@gmail.com
Ms Victorina Shilongo
Vice President
Cell:+264 817229977
Email: bodyofchrisparty@gmail.com
Ms Betty Hosea
Secretary General
Cell: +264 812748656
Mr Gotthardt Kandume (President, Founder and Authorized Representative)
Cell: 0816431596
E-mail: kandumeg1@gmail.com
Ms Viola Geirises
Cell: 0817366720
PO Box 136
Erf 682 Erongosig Str
Hakhaseb Location
Between Okatana Service Station and Pep Store
Oshakati West
P.O. Box 3053, Oshakati
Mr Vaino Amuthenu (Act President) Cell No:
Email: elagoamuthenu@gmail.com
Mr Tsudao Gurirab (Spokesperson)
Cell No: 0812341620
Email: t.gurirab@gmail.com
Mr. Tsudao Gurirab (Spokesperson)
Cell: 0812341620
Email: t.gurirab@gmail.com

Room 16, First Floor, Swamed Building,
John Meinert Street, Windhoek
P.O. Box 7094, Katutura
Dr Panduleni Filemon Bango Itula (President)
Cell No: 0814114448
Ms Christine E. Aochamus (National General
Secretary, Authorized Representative)
Cell No: 0812491702/0811247907
Email: c.aochamus@ipc.com.na or
Ms Josephine Gabriel, Chief Administrator
Cell No: 0813885728
270 Chrisoperah Street, Khomasdal
P.O. Box 24491, Windhoek
Hon. Bernadus Swartbooi (Leader & Chief
Change Campaigner)
Email: swartbooibernadus@gmail.com
Mr Henny Seibeb (Deputy Leader & Chief
Hon. Ivan Skrywer (National Coordinator
and Authorized Representative)
Cell No: 0812215970
Email: ivanskrywer954@gmail.com /
P.O. Box 1151 Windhoek,
Fax no.: 061 -254058
Mr Willie Oosthuizen (Chairperson and Authorized Representative)
Cell No: 0811281151
Email: wpoosthuizen63@gmail.com

Box 2438, Ngweze, Katima Mulilo
Mr Martin Lukato Lukato (President and Authorized Representative)
Cell No: 0813897054/0817414925
Email: ndpparty1@yahoo.com; martinlukato@yahoo.com
Ms Zita Ndopu 0813050444
Email: zitandopu@gmail.com

Corner Grimm Str and Independence Avenue
Building no 392 Office no. 6
P.O. Box 234 Oshakati (in use for now)
P.O. Box 142, Windhoek
Email: namibiaeconomicfreedomfighters@gmail.com
Hon Longinus Kalimbo Iipumbu (National Coordinator)
Cell: 0818794429
Ms Teresia Hamurenge
Cell: 0856431364
P.O. Box 1215
Walvis Bay
Mr Kenneth Jason Iilonga (President and Authorized Representative)
Cell No: 0814948572/0817957662,
Email: iilongakenneth@gmail.com
Mr Matheus Stefanus
E-mail: stefanusmatheus@gmail.com

Erf 654 Omusheshe Street, Hakahana
Mr Kasira Gustaf Hijamitambo (Impermanent Committee Leader)
Mr Simeon Papama (Impermanent Secretary General, Authorized Representative)
Email: uapirukapapama@gmail.com; uapirukapapama6902@gmail.com

Clemens Kapuuo Street
P.O. Box 62691, Soweto
Tel no: 211550, 2882646
Ms. Esther Utjiua Muiinjangue (President)
Hon. Joseph Kauandenge (Secretary-General
Cell No: 0851260432
Email: jossiekauandenge@gmail.com
Mr. Joseph Uapingene (Vice Secretarty General
Cell No: 0812630199
Email: joseuaps@gmail.com
P.O. Box 173, Windhoek
Tel No: 061 2882563; 081301150
Room no 174, Southern Wing, Parliament
No. 14 Mozart Street, Windhoek West
Email: pdmnamibia@gmail.nam
Hon. McHenry Venaani (President)
Cell No: 0811245862
Email: mvenaani@yahoo.com
Hon. Jennifer van den Heever (Vice President)
Tel No: (061) 2524964
Hon. Diederik Vries (National Chairperson)
Cell No: 0811229371
Email: rickyvries@iway.na
Mr Manuel Ngaringombe(Secretary General and Authorized Representative)
Cell No: 0816049444
Email: manuelngaringombe545@gmail.com
Hon. Jennifer van der Heever (National Chairperson)
Cell No: 0812524964
Hon. Elma Dienda
Cell No: 0813096661
Email: janedienda@yahoo.com
P.O. Box 81500 Olympia
Hon. Mike Ratoveni Kavekotora (President)
Cell No: 0811420244
Email: kavekomike@iway.na
Mr Kennedy Hiskia Shekupakela (Vice President)
Mr Nicanor Ndjoze (Secretary General and Authorized Representative)
Cell No: 0812052880
Email: ndjozenicanor@gmail.com
Mr Nghiningiluandubo Kashume
Cell No: 0813105114

6 Hugel Street
P.O. Box 22605, Windhoek
Tel no: 061 235006/7; 061 2882642
Fax no: 061 244039
Mr. Henry Ferdinand Mudge (President)
Hon. Mathias Mbundu (Secretary General)
Cell No: 0813119693
Ms. Katrina Witbeen
Cell No: 0813732129
Email: hfmudge@gmail.com / rp@parliament.gov.na
Parliament Building, First Floor, Room 160
P.O. Box 2976, Windhoek
Tel no: 061 2882325
Fax no: 088637872
Hon. Dr Tangeni Iijambo (President)
Cell No: 0813021271
Mr Issy Tjihoreko (Authorized Representative)
Cell No: 0812756853
Email: issytjihoreko540@gmail.com
Mr Evilastus Kaaronda (Secretary General)
Cell No: 0818566606
Ms Wendy Christian (Secretary)
Cell No: 0816144664
Email: w.christian@parliament.gov.na;
P.O. Box 1071, Windhoek
Tel. no: 061 238 364; 061 288 2578
Fax no: 061 232368
Hon. Sophia Shaningwa (Secretary General)
Cell: 0811221753
Email: shaningwasophia@gmail.com
Parliament Building, Room 168, Top Floor
P.O. Box 20037, Windhoek
Tel: 061 2882601/02
Fax: 088615072/226388
Hon Apius Auxab (President)
Ms Sofia Gorases (Personal Assistant)
Cell: 0812897450
Email: Osgpa.udfparty@gmail.com
Mr Sakaria A. Likuwa (Authorized Representative)
Cell: 0817870004
Email: promiseamos35@gmail.com
Hon Petrus M. Junius (President)
Hon Jan J. van Wyk (Vice President)
Cell: 0812137339
Mr. Francis Huish (Secretary General and Authorized Representative)
Cell: 0813175511
Ms Geraldine Steenkamp (Deputy Secretary General)
Cell: 0813276725
Email: nam.unitedpeople@yahoo.com
Erf 4479 Corner of Dodge and Kroon Str
Khomasdal Community Hall side
P.O. Box 3349, Windhoek
Tel: 061 260647
Fax: 088641065
Mr. Hewat Beukes (Commissioned
Cell No: 0813535617
Email: hewatbeukes@yahoo.co.uk