How to register to vote?

Registration of voters is the process by which any person who qualifies to vote
in any election is registered to have his/her name included in the voters’ register.
The ECN is currently conducting the 4 th General Registration of Voters (GRV)
that has started on 03 June and will end on 01 August 2024.

The GRV exercise takes place every 10 years and provides for the total
registration of all eligible voters, regardless of whether they had register as voters
before or not. Additionally, it requires the replacement of the current national
voter’s register. The conduct of the GRV is provided for in Section 25 of the
Electoral Act, No.5 of 2014 as amended.

To register as a voter, the applicant must meet the following requirements:
a) Must be a Namibian Citizen
b) Must be 18 years and above
c) Must be able to provide proof of identity
You can proof that you meet these requirement by providing one or a
combination of the following documents:
Namibian Identity document;
or Old Namibian ID;
or Valid Green Namibian Passport;
or Namibian Citizenship Certificate together with a Birth Certificate of any other
country and Sworn Statements by two registered deponents;
or Namibian Birth Certificate and sworn statements by two registered deponents;
or A Namibian Birth Certificate and a Valid Namibian License.

In terms of proof of residency in a local authority, you need to provide a municipal or
telecom account and lease agreement of May 2023 and May 2024 to show that you
have lived there for twelve consecutive months.

In respect of proof of residence for members of the Defense force, Police and
Correctional Services Members the applicant must provide proof of the following
documents: Proof of membership and an affidavit deposed by the Commanding officer
stating residence in a particular constituency or local authority.

Alternatively, you make a statement under oath at a registration point.